Terms & Conditions

Darkhorsefinancial.com.au website and social media – use and content

The website darkhorsefinancial.com.au is owned by Pony Loans Pty Ltd.

Your use of the darkhorsefinancial.com.au website and any associated social media such as Twitter or Linkedin means that you accept the terms and conditions set out on this page and in the Privacy Statement. Pony Loans Pty Ltd may change these terms and conditions without notice. If you do not accept these terms and conditions you must leave darkhorsefinancial.com.au and you may not visit our associated social media sites or use any of the Pony Loans Media which includes this website and all social media associated with darkhorsefinancial.com.au.

The information provided via darkhorsefinancial.com.au and social media channels is a guide only and may not be complete for your purposes. While care is taken to ensure accuracy of information, the information contained on the website darkhorsefinancial.com.au and it’s associated social media channels is subject to change and it should not be relied upon.

If Pony Loans Pty Ltd requests that you stop using their sites, including darkhorsefinancial.com.au and it’s associated social media sites, you must immediately comply with that request.
Disclaimer of Liability
Pony Loans assumes no responsibility or obligation to provide updates on articles or information on this website.

As a user of darkhorsefinancial.com.au, you agree as a condition of use of darkhorsefinancial.com.au, and all Pony Loans Media that Pony Loans Pty Ltd shall have no liability to any user.
General Advice Warning
Content found on darkhorsefinancial.com.au and its related social media platforms should be regarded as general information, not as personal advice, and does not consider your personal needs or circumstances. It does not constitute financial, taxation, or any form of professional advice and should not be solely relied upon for making decisions. Pony Loans Pty Ltd advises that prior to making any financial decisions, you should consult with a qualified professional advisor, including obtaining independent legal and accounting advice.
Referral Service
Pony Loans Pty Ltd functions as a referral service, referring users to third-party lenders and various brokers, including those specialising in mortgages, commercial finance, asset finance, and insurance, through the ‘Pony Loans Referral Service’ offered on darkhorsefinancial.com.au.

If you choose not to agree with these terms and conditions, you must cease using the Pony Loans Referral Service immediately and not proceed with any actions such as applying for loans or insurance, or filling out any online forms for products or services.

By utilising the Pony Loans Referral Service directly or through darkhorsefinancial.com.au or any associated social media, you agree to the following terms with Pony Loans Pty Ltd:

  1. We are referring you to a Third Party Provider.
  2. You may be requested to provide information via a form or email before the referral is complete, and you consent to sharing your details with the third-party provider.
  3. Engaging with any website button or submitting your details means you consent for us to forward your details to a third-party provider for the purpose of them offering you further information or assessing your eligibility for their products, or to make you an offer.
  4. The third-party provider, whether a broker or lender, is an independent entity, not affiliated with us as an employee, contractor, or agent, and we are not liable for any interactions or agreements you enter into with them.
  5. The Third Party Provider is a financial product provider, selling their own financial products and or services;
  6. You are responsible for all arrangements and fees associated with services procured from the third-party provider.
  7. Pony Loans Pty Ltd is not providing credit advice, or assessing your circumstances for serviceability;
  8. We do not guarantee the third-party provider’s expertise or appropriateness for your needs and recommend seeking independent financial or legal advice before engaging in any agreements.
  9. We, or our affiliates, may receive a commission for referrals.
  10. You acknowledge and accept Pony Loans’s Privacy Policy and these Terms and Conditions, which restrict your ability to make claims against Pony Loans Pty Ltd.
  11. “We” and “us” means Pony Loans Pty.
    Broker Referrals
    If you choose to use a referral from Pony Loans to a Broker (including Mortgage Broker, Commercial Finance Broker, Asset Finance Broker, Insurance Broker) you agree with Pony Loans that:

  1. we are referring you to a Broker for more information about loans or insurance and applying for a loan or insurance;
  2. we may ask you to provide some information in a form before you are referred to the Broker. If you choose to provide that information, you consent to that information being shared with the broker or any third party we choose;
  3. by clicking an action button (for example ‘Get A Quote’, ‘Quick Enquiry’, ‘Contact Us’), and by completing and submitting a form, you consent to Pony Loans providing your personal information and other details in the online form to a Broker for the purpose of a Broker providing you with more information about loans or insurance and assistance to apply for a loan or insurance;
  4. Pony loans will have no involvement in or knowledge of the interactions between you and the Broker. 
  5. the Broker is not a Pony Loans employee, contractor, agent or representative, and we will have no liability to you in relation to your dealings with the Broker including any advice or recommendations they may make;
  6. any referred Broker is providing credit services under their own Australian Credit Licence, or as a Credit Representative under an Australian Credit Licence. Brokers are not Pony Loans’ Credit Representatives. 
  7. You will make all arrangements in relation to services you require from the Broker and you will be responsible for all fees and charges payable in relation to any product or service you acquire from the Broker;
  8. we (or one of our related companies) may receive a commission or other payment in relation to the referral.
  9. you have read and accept the terms of Pony Loans Privacy Policy and these Terms and Conditions. These terms limit your ability to make a claim against Pony Loans Pty Ltd;
  10. “We” and “us” means Pony Loans Pty Ltd.
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