Fixed vs. Variable Interest Rates: Pros and Cons for Borrowers

Lending experts discussing fixed vs variable interest rates

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Key PointDescription
Fixed Interest Rate DefinitionA fixed interest rate remains the same throughout a specified period. The interest rate is unaffected by market fluctuations, providing stability to borrowers. Fixed-rate home loans can have higher rates than variable loan rates to allow for any market rate increases within the term.
Fixed Interest Rate ProsFixed-interest rate loans can provide stability, allowing borrowers to budget and plan their finances accordingly. Additionally, loans with fixed rates are protected from rising market rates, meaning they’ll keep repayments lower if variable rates rise during the fixed term.
Fixed Interest Rate ConsFixed rates can limit the borrower’s ability to make extra repayments. Borrowers who choose to refinance before the term ends can be subject to break fees. If variable rates reduce, buyers can’t take advantage of any decreases while their fixed rate is locked in.
Variable Interest Rate DefinitionA variable interest rate can change at any time based on factors like lenders’ decisions and market fluctuations. Variable rates usually start lower due to the risk to borrowers. This type of interest rate is suitable for those who can handle the financial risk of changing rates or those who plan to sell their property in the future.
Variable Interest Rate ProsThe borrower can make extra repayments or refinance your loan without added costs. Moreover, when interest rates decrease, the borrower can benefit from lowered repayment amounts.
Variable Interest Rate ConsWhen interest rates go high, the borrower will have to pay higher repayment fees, which can affect their budgets and long-term financial planning.
Split Interest Rate DefinitionSplit-rate home loans give you the freedom to customise your loan into a combination of fixed and variable portions. With a split interest rate, you can enjoy both flexibility and stability.

For Australians considering a home loan, one of the most crucial decisions is choosing between a fixed and a variable interest rate. This choice can significantly impact your financial planning, budgeting, and how much you pay over the life of the loan. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each option, to help you consider which might be the right option for you.

What is a Fixed Interest Rate?

A fixed interest rate remains the same throughout a specified period, usually ranging from one to five years. This rate doesn’t change with market fluctuations, even if the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) raises the cash rate. Because of this fixed rates can offer stability and predictability in your repayments. Fixed interest rates can be set higher than variable rates to accommodate any increases in the market rates within the fixed period.

Fixed-rate loans are suitable for risk-averse borrowers and those who wish to guard against future interest rate increases.

Pros of Fixed Interest Rates

flexibility icon


Your repayment amount is the same every month until the fixed term ends, which simplifies budgeting and financial planning.

Financial Analysis

Protection from Rate Rises

If interest rates rise, your repayments won't increase, potentially saving you money.


Peace of Mind

Knowing exactly what your repayments will be can provide comfort, especially if you're on a tight budget.

Cons of Fixed Interest Rates


Less Flexibility

Fixed-rate loans often limit the ability to make extra repayments, which can prolong the loan term and increase the interest paid.


Break Costs

If you decide to refinance or pay off the loan before the end of the fixed term, you may incur high break costs.


No Benefit if Rates Decrease

Should the interest rates fall, you won't benefit from the lower rates during the fixed term.

What is a Variable Interest Rate?

Variable interest rates can change at any time based on the lender’s decisions and economic factors that cause the RBA to raise the official cash rate, which lenders normally pass on to borrowers. A variable rate is often lower than fixed rates and offers more repayment flexibility.

Variable-rate loans are more suitable for risk-tolerant buyers who can confidently handle any market fluctuations. Variable-rate loans can also be suitable for those who want to take advantage of the earlier lower rates but plan to sell or refinance their homes in the future as there are no break costs unlike with fixed-rate loans.

Pros of Variable Interest Rates

Cons of Variable Interest Rates

Split-Rate Home Loans

A split-rate home loan divides your loan into fixed and variable portions, allowing you to hedge your bets against interest rate movements.

How Split Rate Home Loans Work

Comparison Table: Fixed vs. Variable Interest Rates

Feature Fixed Interest Rate Variable Interest Rate
Rate Stability
High (rate does not change)
Low (rate can change anytime)
Repayment Flexibility
Low (limited or no extra repayments)
High (allows extra repayments)
Costly due to break costs
Easier and often with no penalties
Rate Decreases
No benefit during the fixed term
Benefit from lower repayments
Rate Increases
No impact during the fixed term
Repayments will increase

Choosing the right type of interest rate for your home loan in Australia requires a careful assessment of your financial situation, future plans, and risk tolerance. Fixed rates offer stability, while variable rates offer flexibility. For those who want a bit of both, split-rate home loans may be the ideal solution. Consider your personal circumstances, talk to an expert for your home loan, and select the option that best suits your long-term financial goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

The loan will automatically switch to the lender’s standard variable rate unless you take action before the term ends. You can choose to refix, refinance, or restructure your loan depending on a few factors. Consider your current financial circumstances, future goals, and the state of the market when you make a decision.

Near the end of your fixed-rate term, most lenders will offer you the option to refix your rate for another term, fixed rate terms can be one to five more years.

Break fees are calculated based on the lender’s loss due to the early termination of the fixed-rate period. This can include the difference between the interest rate you were paying and the current interest rate for the remaining term of your fixed period, as well as administrative costs associated with ending the loan term early.

Variable rates can change at any time, depending on the lender’s policies and market conditions such as the RBA making changes to the cash rate, which lenders typically pass on to borrowers.

Some variable-rate loans offer an interest rate cap, which limits how high the rate can increase. However, these caps may vary depending on the lender and may come with higher initial rates or fees. It’s important to read the loan terms carefully or ask your lender about any protections against rising rates.

Some lenders may allow you to adjust the ratio of your split loan, but this could incur fees or require a new loan agreement.

Yes, particularly for variable rates, you might be able to negotiate a better rate based on your repayment history or changes in the market.

Navigate Your Home Loan Choices with Expertise

Have questions or need guidance on the best route for your home loan? Reach out to our experts for tailored advice and insights to make an informed decision. Contact us today to explore your options and secure a home loan strategy that aligns with your long-term financial goals.

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