Get the unsecured loan you need to do business the way you want!
Invest in your business, fund growth without running out of cash, make payroll, take care of emergency expenses and deal with tax debt with the right loan solution.
What is an Unsecured Business Loan?
An unsecured business loan is a financing option that allows you to borrow funds without security. Instead of relying on assets as security, lenders look at other factors, like your business’s cash flow and capacity to service the loan.
A business loan without security can be used for many purposes, including managing cash flow, funding growth initiatives, or covering unexpected expenses. You can apply for one from both banks and unsecured private lenders.
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Why Choose Unsecured Business Loans?
Unsecured business loans are a game-changer for businesses that:
- Need working capital for daily needs
- Don’t have significant assets to use as security
- Need quick funding for urgent opportunities or expenses.
Secured vs. Unsecured Business Loan
Secured business loans require security, such as property, equipment, or vehicles. Because of this reduced risk for lenders, secured loans often come with lower interest rates and higher borrowing limits, making them an attractive option for businesses with significant assets.
On the other hand, unsecured business loans do not require security, relying instead on your credit score and capacity to service the loan. Unsecured loans typically have higher interest rates than their secured counterparts, but they can be approved much faster, making them a great choice for urgent financing needs.
Choosing between the two depends on your business’s needs, how fast you need funding, and your capacity to service a shorter loan term.
Get Unsecured Lending with Dark Horse Financial
Here’s why Australian businesses trust us when it comes to unsecured small business loans:
Tailored Lending Solutions
We know every business has its own unique needs. We tailor loan solutions to suit your industry, goals, and financial situation.
Fast Approval Process
With our expertise, we can streamline the application process and find fast approvals so you can access funds in as little as 24–48 hours.
Flexible Loan Amounts
You can get anywhere between a few thousand to millions of dollars in unsecured funding to meet your business needs.
Favourable Rates and Terms
We’ll help you secure the best interest rates and most favourable terms for your unsecured business loan.
Ongoing Support
With our client-for-life approach, we’ll stay with you as your business needs and goals evolve.
Unsecured Business Loans Interest Rates
Can You Get Unsecured Business Loans with Bad Credit?
How It Works: Simple Steps to Secure Your Loan
- Apply Online: Fill out our quick and easy online application form.
- Provide Key Details: Share basic financial information about your business.
- Wait for Our Response: We’ll get back to you quickly with a loan solution tailored to your needs.
- Fast Approval: The lender receives your application, and you’ll receive a decision in as fast as 24-48 hours.
- Receive Funds: Get the funding you need to drive your business forward.
Ready to Take Your Business to the Next Level?
Whether you’re managing cash flow, expanding operations, or investing in new opportunities, our unsecured business loan solutions provide the support you need to succeed.
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Watch: Secured vs. Unsecured Business Loans: Which is Right for Your Business?
Unsecured Business Loans FAQs
Unsecured loans meaning: These are loans that are not secured by assets like real estate properties, equipment, machinery, and vehicles. These loans are available from both banks and non-bank lenders and can be approved within hours by non-bank lenders.
The main difference is that secured business loans require security, such as property or equipment, whereas unsecured business loans do not. This means unsecured loans can be perceived as having more risk for lenders, often resulting in higher interest rates than secured loans, but they offer greater speed and flexibility for borrowers.
Requirements vary depending on the lender. Banks will typically require a full financial document assessment but most non-bank lenders assess their loans via a read only view of a business’s bank account. For applications above $300,000 most non-bank lenders will require a full financial document assessment along with ATO ICA and ITA portal printouts.
Unsecured business loans can be used for various purposes, including working capital, paying out tax debt, debt consolidation, payroll, managing cash flow, expanding operations, or covering unexpected expenses.
The amount you can borrow will depend on factors like your business’s revenue, time in business and credit profile. Unsecured loans can go up to $4M. We will help assess your situation to find the right borrowing amount for your needs.
Unsecured business loans are generally not available to startups as the assessment process for an unsecured loan relies on an analysis of historical revenues through business bank accounts that startups won’t have. If you have a new business, it’s best to try for secured loan options like a capital raise against equipment and machinery or an equity release from property.