Case Study: $650k Unsecured Lending to Fund the Growth of an Allied Health Business

Allied Health

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Case Study: $650k unsecured lending to fund the growth of an allied health business

($300k line of credit + $350k term loan)

Like many in the allied health sector, our client had experienced demand for their services that exceeded their capacity and had embarked on a multiyear growth plan to capitalise on this opportunity.

Growing the headcount to over 200 heads in a short period of time and implementing the systems and support for this amount of headcount growth placed an enormous demand on working capital.

While there was significant interest from major banks to support our client at the end of their growth journey, none were prepared to support them through the growth phase and all wanted to play it safe.

Looking beyond the short-term cashflow challenge it was clear our client’s business was well run, they were tracking very well to forecast and had moved through the investment-intensive phase of their growth plan.

Turning to non-bank lenders we secured a $300k line of credit and an additional $350k in unsecured term lending to support our client through this last period of their plan.

All of it was unsecured.

With the solutions funded in a fraction of the time a bank would have provided, our client is well supported and a significantly bigger business for implementing their plans.

This case study reflects the circumstances of a number of clients in the allied health sector we’re assisting at the moment and these solutions cross over well to other industries seeking to grow their business but lacking support from banks.

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